Saturday, April 11, 2009


Last night we colored eggs. We each got 8. We usually get 6 but my mom said we eat them so fast she wanted to give us a couple more. I had so much fun!

Today is the day before Easter but my family celebrated Easter today. When we went downstairs I found a container with a lot of candy in it! It had robbin eggs, egg gum, mini cadberry eggs, reeses eggs and snickers eggs! I LOVE CANDY!!!!!!!! I have already eaten a ton!

Tomorrow I am going to help my teacher with her lesson in Sundy School. I don't really do much but still I am kind of excited. I just have to read a paper and ask a question about it.

Tomorrow my dad is leaving to Azerbaijan! I am going to miss him so much! He will be gone for 17 days! I don't want him to be gone on Easter! Well he has been gone for longer so this won't be as bad as other times but I will still miss him a ton!

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